Monday, August 15, 2011

Environmentally Minded Voters Share Thoughts on Rick Perry (ContributorNetwork)

Texas Gov. and Republican candidate for President, Rick Perry is quickly emerging as the favorite among fiscal conservatives. Will the rural Texan who was a Democrat before he was a Republican be a hit with eco-minded voters as well? Gov. Perry defies the stereotype of a "Big Oil" Texan who cares only about profits and not the human or environmental impact of his decisions.

Some of my Twitter followers responded to questions about Perry and the election:

* "I consider myself and Independent voter who cares about both economics and the environment. I think Perry may be a Republican I can support. I will not make the mistake of voting for President Obama again." -- William Harris, small business owner, Albany, N.Y.

* "I am a "green" Republican who will definitely support Rick Perry. I had a hard time voting for John McCain and would have probably voted for Hillary Clinton if she had won the nomination due to her moderate views." -- Josh Campbell, Ohio State University student, Columbus.

* "Rick Perry's environmental record does not even compare to President Obama's. If it wasn't for all of the Republicans in Congress he could have gotten more done on environmental issues." -- Jordan Owings, UCLA graduate student, Los Angeles

* "As far as Republican candidates go this election cycle, I think Perry's record on the environment is the best. I am very disappointed with President Obama's efforts to create 'green' jobs and push for the use of renewable energy. Perry has shown he knows how to create a job friendly environment and did switch most of the buses in Texas for zero emission and diesel fuel vehicles." -- Shonda Peters, artist, New Orleans.

* "If Rick Perry even remotely supported climate change initiatives he would probably get my vote. President Obama promised the world when he courted the college student and environmental group vote, but has not delivered." -- Candice Stanton, photographer, Baltimore.

* "A Republican who supports something beside greed? I highly doubt that. President Obama has been a disappointment but I still don't think I can support a conservative. I wish Hillary (Clinton) would run against him, should have voted for her last election." -- Marcus Warren, Ohio University graduate student, Athens.

* "I am so sick of President Obama's broken promises that I 'Googled' Rick Perry over the weekend. He has a decent record of supporting environmental causes. I don't think he is unreasonable on most of the issues I support. I like his efforts to increase renewable energy use and related jobs in Texas." -- Joanie Smathers, small business owner, Rapid City, S.D.

* "I wish there was a Democratic alternative to President Obama, but that is unlikely. I wouldn't rule out voting for Perry, but I need to know a lot more about his record on environmental issues first. I am unhappy with the status quo, but don't want to sink lower on support for "green" issues either." -- Briana Ousley, nurse, Bradenton, Fla.

Tara Dodrill is a political, eco-green and travel writer. She is a real estate agent and former elected official, public school employee and coach from Ohio who has worked as a newspaper journalist, editor and photographer for magazines and online media outlets. Follow Tara on Twitter.


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